ICEHM Conferences provide a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, and applied Arts, Social Science, Economics, Humanities, Literature and Management. The conference will bring together leading researchers, social workers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Please click on the call for papers for the specific conference for further details. So, Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Anthropology - Art History - Arts - English - History - Information science - Interdisciplinary studies - Islamic Studies - Language - Linguistics - Literature - Local Government - Multidisciplinary Studies - Museums and heritage - Music - Occupational Science - Philosophy - Poetry - Politics - Psychology - Religious studies - Social Sciences - Sociology |
- Children and Youth - Communications and Media - Complex Systems - Conflict resolution - Creativity - Culture - Disaster Management - Discourse - Film studies - Gender studies - GLBT Studies - Globalization - HIV/AIDS - Human Rights - Identity - Leadership - Memory - Poverty - Public Policy - Sexuality and eroticism - Spirituality - Sport science - Sustainable development - Tourism - Urban studies - Violence |
- African Language - African Literature - African Studies - American Studies - Asian Studies - Built Environment - Development Studies - European Studies - Health Disparity - Human Geography - Human Geography - Income Disparity - International Relations - Labour Economics - Liberal Arts education - Literacy Perspectives - Multiculturalism - Psychology Of Violence - Racial Equality - Racial Issues |
- Advertising - Banking and finance - Business - Business Ethics - E-commerce - Economics - Human Resources - Management - Marketing |
- Distance Education - E-learning - Higher Education - Lifelong Learning - Teaching and Learning |
- Accidents & Injuries - Arbitration & Mediation - Bankruptcy & Debt - Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents - Civil Rights - Consumer Issues - Criminal Law - Dangerous Products - Divorce & Family Law - Education Law - Elder law & Aging - Employee’s Right - Estates & Probbate - Health Care Law - Immigration Law - Intellectual - Internet Law For The Public - Justice and legal studies - Lawsuits & Lawyers - Real Estate - Securities Law - Small Business - Social Security And Retirement |
- African Language - African Literature - African Studies - American Studies - Asian Studies - Built Environment - Development Studies - European Studies - Health Disparity - Human Geography - Human Geography - Income Disparity - International Relations - Labour Economics - Liberal Arts education - Literacy Perspectives - Multiculturalism - Psychology Of Violence - Racial Equality - Racial Issues |
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2 hour agoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec libero.
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